Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wedded Wednesday:Intimacy

Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth—
For your love is better than wine.
Song of Solomon 1:2
Intimacy is a huge part of marriage.  I remember the summer before I got married, our church had a Marriage Seminar.  The class I remember the most was taught by my mother-in-law.  Who, by the way, is an amazing woman of God and a knowledgeable Bible teacher! 

Of course, I was late to the class, so I had to sit right on the front row facing her.  Her first words were, "If I could share with you any wisdom, it would be this - Men need sex."  In that moment, my nineteen year old self wanted to crawl under my chair and not come out until class was over.  BUT NOW, I know that she was speaking VALUABLE truth into my life.

Sex is everywhere.  You see it on the TV, the billboards, and the songs on secular radio.  The world likes talking about and promoting sex.  The church, however, tries hard to not talk about it.  They do want to make sure that they stress the don'ts of sex by having True Love Waits rallies and making sure the youth know the dangers of promiscuity, but very rarely, in most churches, do you hear that indeed God made it, and it is good WHEN it is inside the marriage union.

The truth is that God made sex for a man and his wife to ENJOY........Yep, I said enjoy!  Just read the Song of Solomon and you will see.   

I hope you have a great day, and for most of you, I look forward to seeing you at church tonight!  Don't forget to join me tomorrow for a few new recipe ideas: Chicken Parmigiana and Monkey Bread!

1 comment:

  1. What a great video with such basic truth. I especially liked what she said at the end. Our husbands need to know that we desire and want them. They don't want to feel like just another thing on our to-do list (at the bottom of the the list!) Imagine that you give your husband a list of things you would like for him to do to make you feel valuable and then he starts doing them one a week on a schedule. Sounds great, huh? Not really! I'm a cynic about such things. I would always be thinking he was just doing his duty, not operating from the heart. We want to know he is serving our needs because he has a desire to see us happy and content and because he treasures us. Guess what ladies? Our men need our esteem and undying devotion like they need air. Sex is not a duty or something on a marriage to-do list. It is what our husbands must have to feel needed and valued and yes, manly! It makes a difference in how they view us but also in how they view everything else they face in their day. I so agree with the woman in the video; love your husband by offering your self to him and there will be no end to the love and devotion you receive in return. You will start a cycle of reciprocal love that you will not want to see end!
