Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Spiritual Eyes!

Today's post is by Naomi Chance: wife, homeschooling mom, Women's Ministry Director, fantastic chef, and my friend!   
My youngest daughter, Jane, made me this bracelet on Saturday.  When we were getting ready for church on Sunday morning she asked me if I was going to wear it.  Well, being my baby girl and all, how could I possibly say no?  It matched nothing I was wearing but that didn’t matter to this Momma!

As women we are so concerned with how we dress, what matches, and what looks good.  After all, we love beautiful things and God created us this way.  However, The Word of God is so contradictory about this when it comes to looking at this lost world.
But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height,
for I have rejected him.  The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. 
Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”
~1 Samuel 16:7
We should walk out of our home with our “spiritual eyes” on.  When we go to the grocery store do we look at a woman who is speaking to her children in an overly harsh tone in judgment?  OR are we looking at her through the eyes of Christ???  She is, after all, fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalms 139:14).
When I look at this bracelet made for me by my sweet girl my heart is full.  I know she was thinking of me when she made it.  I know she made it with love and care: just as God created that woman in the grocery store.  I know that the years of such innocence won’t last forever.  Isn’t our spiritual walk sometimes the same way?  Do we become lackadaisical in our salvation and the great commission we’ve been given?  Is the innocence of our first experience with  Jesus, and all that was paid for us, submerged in religion and dulled at a certain point?  WHY????  Have we left our first love??? (Revelation 2:4)
As you go about your daily routines as a stay-at-home Mom or a woman in this workforce, take with you the Holy Spirit and JOY!  This world is full of hurt, pain and turmoil.
No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl.
Instead he puts it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light. ~Luke 11:33

We are the ones to bring light and hope.  That woman in the grocery store needs light.  That homosexual family member needs light.  That drug abusing neighbor needs light.  That teenager that has gone astray needs light.  That foul mouthed co-worker needs light.
Sometimes showing your light is nothing more than a kind word or action.  It’s called love. Condemnation has no part of the love of Christ. I f we as the church of the living God can’t love them, who will??  We can’t change someone, but the Holy Spirit at work through us can.
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds
and glorify your Father in heaven. ~Matthew 5:16


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