Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Nothing Is Impossible

I got up this morning and grabbed the computer to start writing.  When I logged in, I saw something so amazing.  There has been almost 6,000 views on my blog!  This brought tears to my eyes.  Do you ever get amazed like that at God.  It is humbling that such a GREAT, merciful, compassionate, long-suffering God can use sinners like me (& YOU)  to accomplish His will EVEN when we don't fully understand His plans or His ways!  I just want to say thank you for reading.  There are not adequate words to tell you how loved I feel by all of my precious friends! 

Nothing is impossible with God!!! (Luke 1:37) and through Him all things are possible. (Philippians 4:13) 

Do you ever need a reminder that Nothing is Impossible?  The God we serve is able to do exceedingly, ABUNDANTLY, above all we ask or think, according to the POWER that worketh IN US! (Ephesians 3:20)  AMEN!  That means if we are willing, God will use you WHEN and HOW it brings pleasure to Him.  When he does, don't let Satan steal the God's Glory with His lies.  Give God the Glory in all things!

If you know me very well, you know that I love Christine Caine and A21 Ministries.  They do an amazing work rescuing trafficked victims.  I hope you will stick around and enjoy this funny story from Christine.  I promise you will laugh and then you will be encouraged in your faith. 

Have a great Tuesday! 

Try to encourage at least one person today in their walk with the Lord!  Stop right now and make a phone call, send a text, or a short email to someone you want to encourage.  Let's build up the Body (Eph.4:29)!


  1. Yesterday my husband reminded me that Satan is the accuser of the brethren. The enemy hates us so much because we are made in the image of Christ. If he can get us to believe that we are of no account, he has won. He wants to bring condemnation. My Savior came to bring LIFE! Satan wants to see us defeated, BUT, I know who my victor is and He is an all powerful, all knowing, all sufficient God...seated in the heavenlies making continual intercession for me. I love what we sang at the end of service Sunday night...

  2. I LOVE THIS!!! Thanks for sharing :)
