Friday, July 4, 2014

Proverbs 4


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, 
but fools despise wisdom and instruction. 
Proverbs 1:7 

Also, if you don't already know Proverbs 3:5-6, memorize that as well! 


In this entire chapter, Solomon advises all to seek after wisdom, and to avoid bad company.  We are exhorted to continue in the right paths of goodness and truth.
He stirs our attention to his instructions of the things that are good and profitable.
He uses his own example of attending to those teachings that his parents gave him.

Proverbs 4:1-10, Here Solomon exhorts us that above all things, we need to get wisdom. It brings honor and promotion to all who are to be had by it.  It is of the highest value to a successful life and is of the utmost importance.  And with all our effort, we to also get understanding.

 Solomon further enforces some very important exhortations that show the fruits of a comfortable life, and of the prolonging and lengthening of the life we have if we esteem the Word of God above all the treasures of this earth.  He reveals how God's Word has the power of leading us in a right way without the problem of stumbling.  It's a path where His glorious light shines brighter and brighter day by day.  What a comfort!

Proverbs 4:11-17, We are cautioned in these passages against bad company, and going into a bad way of life; which is enforced from the mischief done by those that walk in it, and from the darkness of it, to which the path of the just is opposed.  We are to keep ourselves unspotted from this world and stay away from dark paths.  The Word of God is our guide to doing this.  It will keep us on the straight path.  This is pure religion in its highest form.

Proverbs 4:18-22, Here is another great exhortation for us to attend to and observe from Solomon's instructions, and that if we will keep them, they will literally be life and health to all our flesh, to our whole body.

 God's Word is truly life.  It is alive!!! It's full of power and health.  If the believer will hide this Word in their heart, it will preserve them and keep them from sinning against The Lord.  The Word is quick, powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. It can pierce into our spirit, soul, and body.  It can even reveal to us the very intentions of our hearts.  The Word is a lamp to our feet, a guide to our path, and it cleanses us in our deepest parts.  Jesus magnified His Word above His very Name and we know that there is no higher name than the Name of Jesus!

 Psalms 138:2(NKJV)  ...For You have magnified Your word above all Your name.
So, what an emphasis the Bible is making in this chapter of Proverbs concerning the effect of the living Word of God.
In fact, the world itself literally came into being by the "spoken Word." 
Psalms 33:6  By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.

We have a clear promise here that through the Word of God, we are preserved, and it is not to ever be departed from.  We are to never let it be out of our sight!

Pro 4:23-27, Lastly, there are clear directions that are given about ordering our heart, mouth, lips, eyes, and feet in God's Word.  We are to guard the very gates of our hearts with the Word of God.  We are to literally fix our eyes on God's Word daily, and always. Jesus was the Word made flesh, so His person is in us when His Word is in us.  The Word will keep us, sustain us, and above all, protect us from the effects of darkness.  Because it is light and life, the effects of darkness and death will not come near us if we will hide God's Word daily in our hearts.

Oh, that we might esteem the Word of the living God in our lives above everything. That it might be written on the table of our hearts, engraved on our foreheads as frontlets between our eyes, and above all, hidden in our hearts!!!  Thank you Jesus for your precious Word!

2 Timothy 3
15  And that from a babe thou hast known the sacred writings (Holy Scriptures) which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
16  Every scripture inspired of God is also profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction which is in righteousness.
17  That the man of God may be complete, furnished completely unto every good work.

I love to read the Word of God, speak the Word of God, sing the Word of God, and pray the Word of God.  It is my everything!!!  It is the song of my life.  And above all, I desire to live the Word fully and be pleasing to my Lord, Jesus Christ.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR:  LINDA GILMORE is the wife of 39 years to Bro. Fran, mother of 2 adult children, and Grandmother to one beautiful granddaughter.    Bro. Fran and Mrs. Linda have been pastoring Abiding Word Church in Chaplin, Connecticut for 35 years.


  1. Great word (No pun intended). Proverbs is a powerful book and if you men out there aren't following along with this month of teaching, you are doing yourself a serious injustice.

  2. The last paragraph is the BEST! I love how it says the Word is the song of her life! This was a moving study for me today. You are an encourager through the Word Miss Linda.

  3. The further we go into this study, the hungrier I am for more of the Word. Mrs. Linda, this lesson was so powerful, and a great reminder of what a treasure we truly have in the Word of God. I am so thankful we live in a country where it is easily accessible and taught.
