Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Proverbs 2

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, 
but fools despise wisdom and instruction. 
Proverbs 1:7 

Also, if you don't already know Proverbs 3:5-6, memorize that as well! 

First, I want to say I'm sorry if this feels all over the place.  I have chased so many rabbits while writing this that I think I fell down the rabbit hole and took a trip to wonderland! lol! 

Proverbs 2 is a beautiful scripture and it covers a few different topics.  I decided to focus on searching for wisdom.  I really feel like my eyes have been opened on this point.  I hope some of you get even a little bit out of today's devotion.

Where do you search for wisdom?
Proverbs 2:6 says, The Lord is the source of wisdom; knowledge and understanding come from his mouth.
In our society, there are so many voices giving us advice.  We have to be careful what and who we listen to.  Is the advise we take really true Godly wisdom?  
Do you believe everything you read or see on the internet?
I love this commercial about the French model.  I laugh every time I see it, but really, we are like that.  As humans, we look to people we think are "wiser" than we are and believe without looking into it ourselves.  But wisdom comes from God, so if it isn't a Godly source, then it isn't wisdom.
Verses 2-5 say, Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding.  Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding.  Search for them as you would for silver; seek them like hidden treasures.  Then you will understand what it means to fear the Lord, and you will gain knowledge of God.

Wisdom doesn't just come naturally, we have to search for it, ask for it, and ask for understanding.  King Solomon could have asked for anything, but he asked for wisdom "a discerning heart".

 I pray for a discerning heart as I raise my children.  The thought of raising them without the Lord's help a very scary thought.
James 1:5 says, If you need wisdom ask our generous God, and he will give it to you; He will not rebuke you for asking.

I think the main think the Lord has shown me as I have studied verse 2 is to ask for wisdom.  It's not something that just comes to us, we have to desire wisdom, search for it like silver.

If we have wisdom, we will walk a straight path, our lives will be filled with joy.  A wise woman raises Godly children, and has a happy husband.  We need to teach our children to pray for wisdom.  We can never search for it too much.

I asked my kids what wisdom is and one of them said, "When you love Jesus" (the other said "I have no idea" lol)....How true that is!  Loving Jesus is one of the wisest things you can do.  If you love Jesus wholeheartedly, seeking wisdom will be a natural daily occurrence.

If we seek wisdom we be able to discern between good and evil. (v. 9-12)
V. 16-19 talks about the immoral woman.  I think she can be any of the many sins that tempt us.  We don't have to fall back into the same sins repeatedly.  With a discerning heart, we will recognize what it is before we fall, and choose the right path.
(V. 20-22) Choose who you follow wisely.   I am blessed to have Godly men and women to look up to, who I know will guide me in the right direction when I need it. I am so thankful for these people.  Surround yourself with people who are searching for wisdom,
Proverbs 16:16 How much better to get wisdom than gold, and good judgment than silver.

Wisdom is one of the greatest gifts the Lord can give us, let us ask for wisdom daily.  I think by the end of this study we will have a great desire for wisdom and understanding.
I can't wait to see what we learn this month!
BETTY ROBERTS is the wife of 11 years to Chad, and homeschooling mother to 3 beautiful children.  She has been a Worship Leader at Freedom Fellowship in Silsbee, Texas for about 15 years. 


  1. I think you found a treasure in that rabbit hole! Great word today!

  2. When I read the text today, I noticed an "if/then" relationship in vs. 1-9 and a "when/then" relationship in verses 10-17.
    IF we receive, treasure, listen, apply, ask for and seek after godly wisdom as if it were a valuable treasure; THEN we will understand, find, get the knowledge and understanding that He has stored up for the righteous (those who obey and follow Him). He will also be our shield and will guard and preserve our way.
    WHEN you have wisdom in your heart (deep down in the center of your emotions where you keep things that are valuable), and knowledge is pleasant to your soul (your core and innermost part); THEN it will keep you. It will deliver you from evil and from perverse people who seek and run after darkness and crooked, devious things. *If we have Godly wisdom we will not associate with evil people. The understanding we receive from God will give us discernment and we will steer clear of evil.

    1. I love this! I'm so thankful that as each of us study, the Holy Spirit gives us insight to The Word.

  3. I loved the intro (the rabbit hole) and the commercial because it gives a touch of "Betty humor" to the study. She loves to laugh almost more than anyone I know! ☺ It makes the words so powerful when we realize that all the devotional/lessons are written by real people, just like us, who just love Jesus, are searching out the Word, asking for wisdom, and sharing what the Holy Spirit reveals to them with us as we study. I loved that Betty wrote that King Solomon could have asked God for anything, but he asked for wisdom and a discerning heart. What a great lesson to be learned here! Excellent word, Betty!

  4. Love this and Tera I'm with you I love knowing who wrote it and seeing it's a real person I could here Betty reading this to me lol. Great word.
