Proverbs 28:1 (NKJV)
The wicked flee when no one pursues,
But the righteous are bold as a lion.
The wicked flee when no one pursues,
But the righteous are bold as a lion.
Proverbs 30:5-6 (NIV)
Every word of God is flawless;
he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.
Do not add to his words,
or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar.
he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.
Do not add to his words,
or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar.
Dear women of all ages in all walks of life, this is for YOU. Whether you're single, married, working or a stay at home mom, take a few minutes and let the Holy Spirit minister to you through this powerful Scripture.
I know we've all heard the term "Proverbs 31 woman" and often times we think of a perfect little homemaker who knits clothing, grows her own garden and effortlessly cooks every meal from scratch. We all know, in this day and age, that's not exactly reality for every woman. However, this Scripture has challenged many women as well as myself to figure out what it means to be that Proverbs 31 woman within the walls of our everyday lives. I broke down these scriptures and wrote down the qualities and actions of this woman that is in the heart of all of us as women. (Read this next part slowly and let it sink in your spirit).
She is strong, smart and compassionate. She is pure. She is humble and does not put her value in material things. She is trustworthy and respected. She comforts and encourages. She is frugal. She's patient and does not rush big decisions. She rises early and spends time with her heavenly Father. She is not only spiritually strong, but she is physically strong. She treats her body as the temple of the Holy Spirit and eats healthy and exercises. (Yes, that's biblical) She is fully prepared for whatever comes her way and does not easily let the trials of this life burn her out. She is a hard worker and diligent at the task set before her. She is generous of her time and money. She is full of wisdom and gives godly advice and counsel. Her home is in order and her family is blessed.
She does not participate in gossip, self-pity or idleness. She is aware of her surroundings. She is confident and secure within herself. She does not waste time in vain worrying about her physical beauty (although she is beautiful). She reverently fears and worships the Lord daily.
I know what you're thinking…she still sounds pretty perfect. The truth is, this woman is the purest example of an amazing, God fearing woman. It's the kind of single girl you can be. It's the kind of wife/mom you can become. It's the career driven woman you can be.
No, we're never going to be perfect. We're going to forget to read our Bibles and some days we may even stay in our PJ's all day, but let this inspire you to dominate in the areas you may be lacking in. The key is seeking God FIRST. When we do that, everything else falls into place. (Matt. 6:33) When we begin to reign in every area in our lives, it not only affects us, but it affects the people we are surrounded by daily.
I challenge you to take some time and mediate over this Scripture and see how you can apply it to your life. You may need to change up your schedule or re-prioritize some things. You may need to say NO when you've always said YES just to be a people pleaser all the while neglecting your family. You may need to get rid of some unhealthy friendships that are bringing you down. Whatever you have to do, let this be the start of the beautiful and lovely Proverbs 31 woman in YOU.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: SARAH REEVES KOTHLOW is the wife of 3 years to Phillip, and has 2 Labradoodles named Jasmine and Theodore. They attend church at The Belonging in Nashville, Tennessee. Sarah has been leading worship since she was 15, and started her journey recording with Sparrow Records and touring with Britt Nicole, Josh Wilson, and Rush of Fools along with several others artists. She has two incredible CDs, Sweet Sweet Sound and Broken Things. Together, Phillip and Sarah travel the country leading worship at various churches and events. Fun facts about Sarah: Favorite verse-Romans 8:28, Favorite things-DIY Projects with her husband, cooking, bargain shopping, and hanging out with her church family!
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Watch Sarah's cover of Take Me to the King!