Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wedded Wednesday:Happily Ever After

Have you read or watched very many fairy tales?  I was quite a reader, even when I was young, and now I have 4 girls, so I am on my way to becoming an expert! ☺  Most of the stories could be summed up into one story outline.  It would go something like this.

Once upon a time, there was a fairy tale couple, the Princess and Prince Charming.  Every time they turned round, the evil villain was plotting and scheming to kill one them or keep them apart.  The evil villain wanted to rule and reign in their kingdom, generally passed down by one of their fathers, The King.  In the end, good always triumphs and the evil is defeated.  And they live HAPPILY EVER AFTER!

Am I wrong?  Give or take a little, that is probably a basic synopsis.

It is funny that we grow up imagining ourselves to be the princess and marrying our prince, but we forget that even in our 'Once Upon A Time' there is an evil villain, Satan, trying to kill us and keep our marriage apart.(John 10:10)  Our Father, The King of All Kings, has given us the keys to the kingdom.  We are royalty. (1 Peter 2:9)  The Kingdom still belongs to him.  If we endure, we will also reign with him. (2 Timothy 2:12) 

As the Lord was giving me this word last night, this is what he spoke into my heart.

Everyone wants their 'Happily Ever After, but few want to go slay the dragon!' (Including me!)

I knew exactly what that meant.  We all want happy marriages that thrive in love.  We want all the Bible says we can have in a marriage: spiritual covering, love, progeny, respect, etc.  But when the dragon of selfishness, anger, jealousy, pride, bitterness, or any tactic Satan uses against your marriage, few of us will take the time to slay that dragon in our lives. 

Sometimes the dragon seems impossible to face. Other times, you just don't think it's fair that you are the one to have to face it or deal with it. 

We can become the worst enemy of our own marriage when we don't deal with sin issues in our heart.  I have seen it time and again.  I nearly destroyed my marriage years ago when I would not slay the dragon of bitterness in my life.  It is so easy to be selfish, bitter, or takes a WARRIOR to slay those dragons and save your marriage.  When I say 'save your marriage' that might seem extreme, but it takes a tiny seed of sin to grow into a tree that bares fruit.  Everyone around you starts smelling the rotten fruit on your tree.  It is obvious to all....especially your spouse.  These trees destroy a marriage.

My friend, Naomi sent me this quote the other day.  It is so true!  And because I believe her and her husband, Dale, have such an awesome testimony in their marriage (read here), what she has to say about marriage, I listen intently!

Bad marriages are easy. 
Awesome marriages take

It takes great strength and determination to make the sacrifices necessary to have a good marriage.  If you feel like you have already given so much, and maybe it wasn't reciprocated, give a little more.  Your marriage is worth it!
My prayer today is that we will get our armor on and slay some dragons through the power of the Holy Spirit!  Go fight for your HAPPILY EVER AFTER!

When I say I Do by Matthew West

1 comment:

  1. Practical, anointed, and timely. Thank you for being obedient (and it's so good to have you back).
