Monday, March 3, 2014

This Is Amazing Grace!

This post is by my sweet friend, Missy Nicholson.  She is married to Danny, and is the homeschooling mom to Jessica, Matthew, and L.J. (who is in Heaven now).  She is the Nursery Director at our church, Freedom Fellowship.  I could make a list a mile long of all the things she does, but I think you catch the drift.  Most importantly, to me, she is a woman who has walked through trials, and allowed our Savior, to be her strength and peace.  What a great testimony she carries!


As I sit at the computer, type recipes, and listen to THIS IS AMAZING GRACE, I have to think about just exactly what JESUS and GOD did for me.
1. God gave his only....repeat only son... to die for us
2. JESUS willingly.... repeat willingly..... died on the cross so we could have everlasting life.
How worthy are we? Well, I know that I’m not worthy, but I praise GOD for His grace daily.

In April of 2013, I lost my oldest son (and I miss Him). It would be easy to listen to the devil and curse GOD, but instead, I found peace knowing that my son is in Heaven right now jumping in that river, talking with JESUS, and walking those streets of gold. Praise the LORD.   Peace knowing that a little seed was planted in his heart when he was little.  This caused him to be able to serve GOD when he was older. The point to all of this is all it takes is one little seed in a child's heart. If you plant that seed in a child, it will filter down to the parents and that’s where it starts.

My 9 year old daughter is typing on Facebook how much JESUS loves us and how much she loves him. We must be like a child. Praise him with a child like heart. Be humble unto him.

My 6 year old son wants to give his heart to the LORD Sunday. Together, we will make that walk.

“And Jesus took a child and put him in the midst of them, and taking him in his arms, He said to them, ‘Whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me’.” Mark 9:36-37.

Without the grace, peace, love, mercy, and the blood of JESUS, where would any of us be?

I know I am grateful for all that Jesus has done for me, and that he carried my cross , so I could be set free.

You need to find a church! Without JESUS, we have nothing

John 8:36, "If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed."

Jeremiah 33:3 Call unto me, & I will answer thee, and shew thee great & mighty things, which thou knowest not.  (Just believe and have faith!)

1 comment:

  1. Missy, I am overwhelmed by the grace I see exhibited in your life. I have to wonder if I could do the same. I know you would testify that the strength you have had through this trial is not your own, it is from the Lord of Lords, the one who gives us all that we need and some things we don't even know we need. I also know that lives are being transformed by your testimony; you will probably never personally know some of the ones who are watching you from afar and growing in Jesus because of your steadfast faith in His goodness. Thank you for being faithful and for allowing the Lord to do a work in you through this instead of allowing satan to use this for his purposes. I just had to say publically how you inspire me.
