Friday, February 27, 2015

Matthew 26:36-46

I am proud to have 4 beautiful young women, Jordan Balla, Stevie Balla, April Justice, and Savannah Justice, writing the Bible study today.  All of the girls have been members of Freedom Fellowship since birth and volunteer in the church nursery and Vacation Bible School.  Savannah is a member of the youth praise team.  Jordan and April are members of the homeschool co-op.  The girls are active in the GSF Athletics program and attend Lantana Christian Academy (Kristi Balla's house).

Please read through Matthew 26:36-46!  You can read it online HERE!!!!

In Matthew 26 : 40-41 it clearly shows how we are unwilling to do so little when Jesus is willing to do anything for us.  Jesus knew what was about to happen and he did it even though they couldn't stay awake.  We need to prioritize.  I don't think I'd be motivated to go die for people who can't stay awake and pray for an hour. In Matthew 26: 39, you can see that Jesus didn't want to do it.  But, in Matthew 26: 42 He chose to.

     Whenever your praying in deep prayer, maybe its a noise you hear, or maybe its the subject your praying about that distracts you.  You stop praying and start thinking about something totally different.  It's really hard to start over, so eventually you forget about prayer and fall asleep.  The disciples tried to pray with Jesus, but kept falling asleep, knowing their leader would be persecuted the next day.  It happens to us all, whether we have something big or small going on in our lives.  We need to make time to pray and worship Jesus.  He is the reason we are here.  It's time to get our priorities straight and focus on what's important, and not the things of this world.
     The spirit wants us to stay up and pray.  But, our flesh is weak, and gets distracted.  It's so easy to fall asleep praying.  In Matthew 26: 38, You can see that Jesus was very sad and deeply grieved.  He was almost dying of sorrow.   He couldn't even get his disciples to stay awake and pray for one hour.  Imagine the sorrow he felt.
     The answer is simple, the Lord calls all of us for something.  We need to be obedient when He calls.


  1. Good job girls! We do need to pray more. We really have no idea how powerful prayer is.

  2. Amen, girls! We need to prioritize. Thank goodness Jesus allowed us to have examples of godly men "dropping the ball". If Peter, James, and John (who actually lived with Jesus day to day) could mess up and be distracted from kingdom matters, there is hope for all of us! For though they were human and frail, Jesus chose them for His earthly ministry to work right alongside of Him. Jesus has also chosen us. When we accept the call, He commissions us to work for His kingdom. Our effectiveness is based on our commitment to always allow Jesus to work in us and through us. He is our strength! Prioritize! Put Him and His kingdom agenda first and "all these things shall be added unto you".
