Monday, February 2, 2015

Matthew 19:16-30

I planned on doing my VLOG yesterday and having it ready for this morning, but my husband was off for the first time in a while, so I just had to soak up every minute I could with him.  I am crazy in love with him!  I knew you wouldn't be to disappointed with me.

Go ahead and grab your Bible.  Turn to Matthew 19:16-30 and read the passage!  Or click HERE  to read it online!

If Jesus is talking, we should give special attention!  In this passage, we read the details of a conversation between Jesus and a wealthy young man who came to ask about the way to eternal life.  Salvation is personal.  Each of us who want to be saved must deal with Jesus about our own salvation.  No one else can do it for us!

One thing I learned from this is that everyone that desires after salvation does not receive it.  The Young Rich Ruler asked Jesus, “Good Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?”  Yet, we also know that this young man "goes away sorrowful" and never read a word about him being converted.  Good wishes and good feelings WILL NOT SAVE US!  KNOWLEDGE will not save us.  Our own works will not save us.

I have never felt such a warning as I do in this moment.....Let us not be satisfied with feelings.  Let us find hope as we begin to see the Holy Spirit in us, making us new, making us more like Jesus, with the REAL FRUIT of repentance in our lives.  Lord, let us lay hold of the truth of the Gospel.  It is great to feel, but far better to be truly changed and converted!

Again, I must quote Kathleen Justice!  "Feelings of the heart change rather easily. That's why we must choose to follow the Lord with our mind.  Make a conscious decision.  We have to be hard headed about it!"

The Rich Young Ruler wanted salvation, but he wanted his things too.  He just couldn't fully make up  his mind to go and follow Jesus.  His feelings, desires, for salvation were not enough to persuade him to do the things that Jesus asked of him.

Jesus told this young man to "go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.”  I believe sometimes we hear the Holy Spirit giving us specific direction in our life, and we don't always want to heed it.  It may be anything from go pray for that lady in the grocery store to selling everything you own to be able to go where He calls you in ministry.  DON'T IGNORE THE VOICE OF THE LORD OR YOU WILL BE LIKE THE RICH YOUNG RULER, AND BE SORROWFUL! (Note: I am not referring to losing your salvation, as I don't believe that!  I am referring to not following His leading in our lives and realizing it too late.) 


 Here are a few thought provoking questions I found in a study I did on this text years ago. 

1.)What are the idols we tend to worship in our day?  In the circumstances of your life, have you ever had a choice between following Christ or following after another interest or love in your life? 

2.)Would it be appropriate for us to challenge another as Jesus challenged the Rich Young Ruler?  Is this a good way to present the gospel of Christ?

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