Friday, February 13, 2015

Matthew 22:23-46

I know you have everything ready to begin our Bible study, so we will just jump right in!  Read through Matthew 22:23-46 in your Bible or online HERE!

I believe that all things happen for a purpose.  We may not understand it at the time, but it does!  It is no accident that at the time of year people are celebrating "LOVE", we are studying the Greatest Commandment in the Bible....Love God and Love others!  True love only comes through God to us and through us!  But wait!  I am getting ahead of myself aren't I.  We need to cover the first part of the passage first.☺

(Verses 22-33)
Do you believe you can learn more if you listen and not talk?  I do.  Although, I generally have a hard time not joining in.  In this case, here we are yet again, able to observe Jesus talking.  This time He is speaking to the Sadducees.  They use the age old trick of trying to trip Jesus up by asking hard questions.  What I can't figure out is this: did these people not get that this trick has not worked yet.  NOT ONCE!  Jesus did not get confused or waver.  In verse 29, Jesus answered and said to them, “You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God."  

Some things, like resurrection, are hard to understand, and even harder to explain.  When it comes to topics such as this, I choose to not burden myself down with trying to fully understand it.  I think sometimes when we try to over think miracles of God, our human nature creates doubt by trying to use reason.  I believe it by faith. (Heb.11:1)  IT IS A MIRACLE!  A miracle is an event that can't be explained by nature or scientific law.  I don't expect to fully grasp it until I am with Jesus....I just choose to believe!

(Verses 34-40)
Oh brother!  Yet again, we have the same trick except the Pharisees present the question this time.  “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?” (vs.36)  If you have studied the Ten Commandments you know that the first 4 commandments teach us our duty to God.  The last 6 teach us our duty to others.  I love how Jesus simplified this for the Pharisees.  In my paraphrased version of Jesus' response in verses 37-40, He says we are to LOVE GOD AND LOVE OTHERS.

The Greek word used here for love is agape.  It comes from the root word agapao.  Agape love means a deep commitment and devotion that comes from our willingness and our realization that it is a duty.  We need to understand this is a commandment, not a suggestion!  That is humbling and condemning all at the same time, isn't it?!  It is a good reminder to us daily that we need God's mercy and that LOVE is the true key to obedience to God.

(Verses 41-46)
Now Jesus gets His turn to ask the question.  All I can say is that He shut them up with truth!  Wow!  I bet they felt pretty defeated!

Here are a few questions to think about and write in your journal.

-What kind of absurd, skeptical questions do people bring up concerning the Christian faith in our day?

-Did you notice that Jesus hinged an important argument on the present tense "I AM", instead of the past tense, "I WAS"?  Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Heb. 13:8)  Find a few scriptures that says "I AM" and record what Jesus was, is, and will be forever!  

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