Friday, February 27, 2015

Matthew 26:36-46

I am proud to have 4 beautiful young women, Jordan Balla, Stevie Balla, April Justice, and Savannah Justice, writing the Bible study today.  All of the girls have been members of Freedom Fellowship since birth and volunteer in the church nursery and Vacation Bible School.  Savannah is a member of the youth praise team.  Jordan and April are members of the homeschool co-op.  The girls are active in the GSF Athletics program and attend Lantana Christian Academy (Kristi Balla's house).

Please read through Matthew 26:36-46!  You can read it online HERE!!!!

In Matthew 26 : 40-41 it clearly shows how we are unwilling to do so little when Jesus is willing to do anything for us.  Jesus knew what was about to happen and he did it even though they couldn't stay awake.  We need to prioritize.  I don't think I'd be motivated to go die for people who can't stay awake and pray for an hour. In Matthew 26: 39, you can see that Jesus didn't want to do it.  But, in Matthew 26: 42 He chose to.

     Whenever your praying in deep prayer, maybe its a noise you hear, or maybe its the subject your praying about that distracts you.  You stop praying and start thinking about something totally different.  It's really hard to start over, so eventually you forget about prayer and fall asleep.  The disciples tried to pray with Jesus, but kept falling asleep, knowing their leader would be persecuted the next day.  It happens to us all, whether we have something big or small going on in our lives.  We need to make time to pray and worship Jesus.  He is the reason we are here.  It's time to get our priorities straight and focus on what's important, and not the things of this world.
     The spirit wants us to stay up and pray.  But, our flesh is weak, and gets distracted.  It's so easy to fall asleep praying.  In Matthew 26: 38, You can see that Jesus was very sad and deeply grieved.  He was almost dying of sorrow.   He couldn't even get his disciples to stay awake and pray for one hour.  Imagine the sorrow he felt.
     The answer is simple, the Lord calls all of us for something.  We need to be obedient when He calls.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Matt. 26:26-35 & Food Wih Friends

Good morning!  I am excited, seriously excited, about today.  This passage of scripture happens to be one of my favorites, and the Chicken Spaghetti recipe that Mitchell is sharing is SO GOOD!  Don't skip over it just because you think that you already have a recipe for it.  It is Chicken Spaghetti with a twist, and I know you will want to try.  I hope y'all have a great study and a fantastic day!  My prayer for every reader is that the Holy Spirit will speak to you through The Word and that He will use you today to further the Kingdom of God!      Love, Tera

Jesus Institutes the Lord’s supper

There is so much power and meaning in this part of Matthew, and I for one absolutely love it.  Taking the bread and the cup isn’t just something we do just because it’s called for in a service.  It’s something we do to remember Jesus.  To remember what He did for us, that He died for us, and that He loved us enough to do so.

Jesus said “Take, eat; this is My body.”  He blessed it and broke it and passed it out to the disciples.  He gave thanks for the cup and said “Drink from it, all of you. For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.”  He wasn’t passing these out, merely as something to eat or drink, but as representation of Jesus Himself.  It was meant as a meaning of the suffering of Jesus on their/our behalf, and His blood that would flow down on Calvary. 

Taking the cup and eating the bread should be done with an understanding and remembrance.  It’s how we remember what Jesus went through for us.  The bread should remind us of the beating our Savior took for us.  That He was beaten, pierced, and took the stripes for our salvation and redemption.  Drinking the cup is an absolute reminder of His blood, His life, that poured out of his broken body.

His blood flowed for the remission of our sins and made a new covenant available.  His dying on the cross made this possible.  His blood was shed for many.  Not just one, not just for the disciples, but His word says many.  That means you, me, the whole world!

He let his disciples know, that He would not drink of the fruit again with them, until that day when they drank it together in Heaven.  I think Jesus looks forward to the celebration of the Passover in heaven.  The celebration when we all sit with Him gathered at the great supper. 

Jesus also let the disciples know that how well He knew of the coming situation.  He told them, “All of you will be made to stumble because of Me this night”.  He wasn’t condemning the disciples, He was letting them know that the prophecy of His suffering had happen.  I can almost see the look on Peter’s face when he tried to say he would never deny Jesus.  Jesus knew Peter would fail, and gave him an opportunity to take a look into his own weaknesses.  Peter didn’t take it, and instead told him “Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You!”  Jesus knew Peter, and us far better than we know ourselves.
Take the cup, eat the bread, and remember your covenant with the Lord.  When He says “take”, He’s offering.  It will not be forced upon you.  He went willingly to the cross, to make a way to the Father.  Take him in, drink the cup, in remembrance of what he did, and find redemption.  He tells us to eat.  We have to eat to survive physically, just as we have to eat of the bread and take in Jesus into our being spiritually, so that we may live.   

3 Large chicken breasts
1/2 to ¾ of a pack of angel hair pasta
1 family size can of cream of chicken soup
1 bushel of green onion (is bushel the right word? Anyways, it’s a whole lot!)
3 cups of cheese
1 small can of chicken broth or chicken bouillon cubes (neither of which are pictured, I’ll explain later)
“Some” butter
Salt and pepper to taste

Dice up the green onion.  If you have a block of cheese, go ahead and shred it.  Cut up the chicken into decent sized cubes.

Heat your oven to 350.

Start a pot of water to boil for the chicken and noodles. I like to salt the water before I add anything.  It really helps with the flavor of whatever you’re boiling, especially pasta!  When it’s boiling, drop in the chicken and bring to a boil.  Pull out the chicken when finished and set aside to let cool.  Drop the noodles in the same water, and cook till done.

Heat a large skillet on medium heat and drop in the onions and sauté till soft.  You don’t want to brown them, just soften them.
Once they are softened, lower the heat, add the whole can of cream of chicken soup and cook slowly till it is all warmed through.
Once the chicken is cool enough to work with, chunk it or shred it anyway you want to.  Mine looked like this.
In a large mixing bowl, add the chicken and soup mixture.  Mix it a little, then start to add the pasta in a little at a time until it’s an even pasta/chicken/soup combo!  Now add about half of the cheese.  If it seems like its not enough, cheese, add more!
Ok, so here’s where the chicken broth comes in.  It was at this point I forgot I needed chicken broth.  I was a little frantic.  Tonya, as she always does, bailed me out by pulling out these babies right here!
We mixed one in a cup of water, and the day was saved……Thanks Tonya! Ok, where was I? If it seems a little thick, you can either A) add some chicken broth or chicken bouillon cubes mixed in warm water, or B) Use some of the water you boiled the chicken and noodles in.  Don’t be scared of it, there’s a lot of flavor in there. Get it to a loose, not overly runny consistency.  It’s gonna tighten up in the oven, remember that.  Take a quick taste and add some salt and pepper if needed.
Once everything is combined, add it to a 13X9 baking dish and cover the top with the remainder of the cheese.  Just like before, if it’s not enough, add more!  Bake until the cheese is melted on top, about 15-20 minutes. 
This is my take on chicken spaghetti.  Try it out, and let me know what ya think!  Enjoy!
ABOUT THE AUTHOR:  MITCHELL SANCHEZ is the husband of 5 years to Tonya, and Dad to 2.  He works in the I.T. Department at Education First F.C.U.  Mitchell attends Freedom Fellowship in Silsbee, Texas ,where he plays the drums on the Praise Team and serves as Director of the Media Department

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Matthew 26:14-25

It is a glorious day!  I thought I might share some humor with you this morning before we start our Bible Study.  Yesterday afternoon I watched a few YouTube videos of Rob Bell on Oprah (again).  This lead to watching some of his interviews from other places.  My blood was boiling!  If you don't know who this ex-mega pastor is, you should google him so you can see what a growing number of people in America are claiming as the gospel.  Rob Bell believes there is no hell, that everyone is going to heaven, and irreverently thinks God's Word is outdated and not relevant to the culture today. 

Now if you believe the Bible is INDEED God-breathed truth and that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, then Bell's false teachings should get your wheels turning.  So last night, I was in my bedroom straightening up when one of my girls came in and asked who I was talking to.  I was a little embarrassed because no one was in there with me.  (I didn't realize I was talking out loud and very loudly!)  She started laughing very hard, said she'd been listening to me a few minutes in the hallway, and that if whoever I was laying it out for didn't believe the Bible now there might not be any hope! (I was talking to Rob Bell in this one sided conversation.)

I used to laugh at my mom for having conversations with herself while she was washing dishes, NOW I DO IT!  Oh brother!  My girls thought it was so funny. ☺

Anyway, speaking of the God's Word, we'll be reading Matthew 26:14-25 today so read through this text in your Bible or online HERE!!!  Now, do what I just did and grab some coffee and your journal before we go on!  You will thank me later! (LOL!)
We read in this passage how our Lord was betrayed and given into the hands of enemies.  The religious leaders who were more than ready to be rid of Jesus were at a loss of how to accomplish this without causing an uproar from the people.  They found their way in the form of one of the disciples, Judas Iscariot.  For the price of 30 pieces of silver, Judas willingly delivered Jesus into their hands.

There are so many things I could say about Judas.  I imagine he would be good friends with a lot of famous mega church preachers today!  A man can enjoy many privileges and high religious esteem, and not be right before God. 

Judas was chosen to be an apostle.  HE WAS CHOSEN!  He was the friend of Jesus.  Judas witnessed miracles and heard Jesus give countless sermons.  Abraham, Moses, David, Isaiah, and other great Men of God never had the opportunity given to Judas.  He was allowed to live in the fellowship of Jesus and the other 11 disciples and served closely with them.  Despite all of this, I have to imagine his heart was never really changed by the truth of Jesus.

When we read about Judas, our hearts should be very humbled as we consider, "Search me, Oh Lord, and try my heart, and see if there be any wicked way in me."  We must not be satisfied until we begin to see that truly our heart and our will has been converted.

Another thing that comes to mind about this passage is this: the love of money is huge snare!  It is like a plague and is an infectious disease being passed about this nation.  "What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his soul?"  If we aim to be rich, let us be rich in God's grace, mercy, and truth.

Cold any one of us turn into a Judas Iscariot?  Do we have the capability of becoming like this man?  How can we protect ourselves from this horrible predicament?

Have you ever been betrayed by someone who you were very close to?  How did it feel?  How do you think Jesus felt to be betrayed by one of His disciples?  Use the scripture to find the answer!

Come back tomorrow for more on Matthew: The King and the Kingdom and Food with Friends!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Matthew 26:1-13

Good morning!  I don't know about you, but this weather is really getting to me!  I am freezing!  As I type, I am dressed like an eskimo under 2 blankets by a roaring fire and still can't seem to warm up.  : ) 

We are less than 2 weeks from completing our study on Matthew.  I have learned so much about King Jesus, his Kingdom, and my role within this glorious kingdom.  God's Word is so good and I am excited about today's study by my friend, Jessica Honc!  My Bible is open to Matthew 26:1-13.  When you are there already, please read through the passage.  You can also read it online HERE!!!  (Love, Tera)

The Plot to Kill Jesus
It is almost humorous to read how the chief of priests, scribes, and elders believed they would be able to trick Jesus and how they wanted to wait until after the feast to arrest Him in order to keep a riot from occurring.  Jesus already knew exactly what was going to happen as well as the exact day.
There is no "hiding" or "tricking" God.  What we may believe we are doing secretly, or even thinking to ourselves, He is fully aware of.  We cannot surprise Him.  We can, however, affect Him by our response to Him.
The Anointing at Bethany
The woman who anointed Jesus with expensive oil affected Jesus and the disciples by her response to Him.  To do something which seemed so rash to the others, I cannot conclude that she gave her actions much thought.  She simply reacted to Jesus.  She was blessed for this and in turn, the others were schooled.
When we put aside what the world or others may think of us or how they may react to us as we respond to the Holy Spirit, not only can we be pleasing to the Lord and be blessed by our actions, but we can cause those around us to see things in a different light.  In essence, opening their minds and then hopefully their hearts to Jesus. 
Let us infect the world with the light that shines within us by thinking less and responding to the Holy Spirit more!
ABOUT THE AUTHOR:  JESSICA HONC  is the wife of 14 years to Will, and homeschooling mother of three children.  She is the Director of Freedom Fellowship Home School Co-op.  Jessica has served in many different capacities at Freedom Fellowship in Silsbee, Texas, such as librarian and children's teacher.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Matthew 25:14-30

Good morning!  Hooray, it's Friday!  We have a crazy busy weekend scheduled.  How about you?  I am running a little behind in preparation for my posts so today is going to be a little shorter.  Grab you Bible and let's read Matthew 25:14-30.  You can also read it online HERE!

This parable is a lot like the parable of the ten virgins we read yesterday.  It brings our thoughts to one thing: the second coming of Christ.  The parable of the virgins calls on the church to be vigilant, to watch, and to be ready.  The parable of the talents calls us to be diligent and to get to work!

Anything that can glorify God is a talent.  Our gifts, money, knowledge, time, physical ability, and influence are all from God and should be used to advance His Kingdom.  To hide or misuse the talents would be to neglect opportunities to bring Him glory.

How has God blessed your family with special gifts to share with others?  Do you give your children opportunity to waste the talents, the teachings, and the privileges they have been given?  How are you multiplying your talents and helping your children learn to do that as well?

How does faith relate to works in this parable?  Are men actually "meriting" eternal salvation by their actions?  Compare this parable to Ephesians 2:8-10 to get your answer!

We only have about 2 weeks left in the study of Matthew.  I sincerely appreciate you coming on this journey with me.  Hugs!  My prayer is that the Holy Spirit will use the talents he has entrusted us with to bring glory to our King, Jesus, and to further His Kingdom!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Matt.25:1-13 & Food with Friends!

I have been looking forward to this day all week!  Naomi Chance is leading us as we begin the 25th chapter in Matthew.  We are so very close to the end, and I just can't believe it.  You are going to want to stick around for the FANTABULOUS Strawberry Cheesecake Recipe that is at the end of the devotion.  It is mouth-watering!  You need a sneak peek don't you!  Here's a picture. (Love, Tera)
We better get underway!  Read Matthew 25:1-13 in your bible or online right HERE!!!
In this parable Jesus speaks of 5 women prepared to meet the bridegroom and 5 women unprepared. Preparation is not something I’m very good at. I am a dreaded procrastinator at most things. The women in this passage that were unprepared missed the meeting of their bridegroom. In my mind they represent today’s lifeless church, an unprepared church, a church without anointing. There is a platform given to many men/women in this nation but they aren’t preaching life and truth. There is no anointing. They are unprepared to lead people to repentance through the preaching of the cross. Somewhere they have missed the mark and will hear these grievous words in verse 11.
The 5 women that were prepared carried with them extra oil. Oil in scripture often refers to anointing of the Holy Spirit. How can we have this wisdom and anointing?
The answer I came up with was LIFE! Breath is life. God has made life available in every aspect of our being. Let me show you something that excited me when the Lord revealed it to me!
Our body:
In Genesis 2:7 is says:
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
God gave you physical life. If you are still breathing he has a purpose for you that only YOU can fill.
Our mind:
In 2 Timothy 3:16:
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness
God gives us scripture to breathe life into our minds.
Our Spirit:
In John 20:22:
And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost
God gives us spiritual life through the Holy Spirit. In this verse Jesus is breathing life into the disciples through the spirit. Prayer is our access to the Holy Spirit.
We are having prayer meetings at our church for the month of February. Our main focus is on revival for our nation. The first week of it my 15 year old son (bound to a wheelchair and slow of speech like Moses) shared scripture in front of our congregation through the prompting of the Holy Spirit. I only included his disability to tell you this: No matter what your station in life is God wants life flowing from his throne to you; then, from you to the people around you. Even in the little things, such as a scripture or a small word of encouragement. You don’t have to be the wisest woman or the most eloquent with words to spread the gospel, just an obedient servant. He wants you prepared in season and out of season. (2 Timothy 4:2) And it’s only through him that that preparation comes.
1 ¼ c. graham cracker crumbs
¼ c. sugar
1/3 c. melted butter
16 oz. frozen strawberries
1 Tbsp. cornstarch
¼ c. water
3 (8oz) pkg. cream cheese, softened
14 oz. can sweetened condensed milk
¼ c. lemon juice
½ tsp. vanilla
3 eggs
Combine graham cracker crumbs, sugar and butter in a bowl. Press into the bottom of ungreased 9 inch springform pan. Refrigerate for 30 min. Preheat oven to 300 degrees and place pan of water in oven for moisture. Place strawberries, cornstarch and water in blender. Cover and puree until smooth. Pour strawberry sauce into saucepan. Bring to a boil over high heat. Boil and stir until sauce is thick and shiny, about 2 minutes. Set aside 2/3 c. sauce and cool. Cover and refrigerate remaining sauce for serving. Beat cream cheese in a mixing bowl with an electric mixer until light and fluffy; gradually beat in condensed milk. Mix in lemon juice and vanilla. Then beat in eggs on low speed until just combined. Pour half of cream cheese mixture over crust; drop half of reserved strawberry sauce by ½ teaspoonfuls on cream cheese layer. Carefully spoon remaining cream cheese mixture over sauce; drop remaining strawberry sauce by ½ teaspoonfuls on top. Cut through top layer only with a knife to swirl strawberry sauce. Bake in preheated oven until center is almost set, 45-50 minutes. Cool on wire rack for 10 minutes. Carefully run a knife around edge of pan to loosen; cool 1 hour longer. Remove from springform pan and refrigerate overnight. Serve reserved strawberry sauce with cheesecake. (can add sugar to strawberry sauce if preferred)
ABOUT THE AUTHOR:  Naomi Chance has been married for 16 years to Dale, and is the homeschooling mom of 3 and step-mom to one.  She has 2 beautiful grandsons!  Naomi serves in the Media Department and as Ladies' Ministries Director at Freedom Fellowship in Silsbee, Texas.   

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Matthew 24:29-51

Good morning!  I haven't told y'all lately how much I appreciate you joining me on this journey through Matthew: The King and The Kingdom!  I love knowing that I have friends getting in the Word of God each day.  Last night, at prayer meeting at our church, I felt the Holy Spirit speak into my heart.  "Being filled with the Holy Spirit is the power to advance the Kingdom, but without the Word, you have no weapon.  You need BOTH to be victorious!"

We need to study His Word daily.  We need to study and memorize it!  This weapon is "not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds"! (2 Cor. 10:4) 

Grab some coffee, your Bible, a journal, a pen, and anything else you may need to study such as a Concordance or Bible Dictionary, and let's get started.  Read through Matthew 24:29-51.  You can also read it online HERE!!!

I a so grateful to have Melissa Powell is leading us through this passage!  Don't forget to come back tomorrow for more of the Word and Food with Friends!  I saw a picture for the recipe for tomorrow, and I am hungry just thinking about it! ☺(Love, Tera)

     While doing this Bible study on Matthew, I find it hard not to wish I was a disciple.  Walking with Jesus,  talking with Jesus,  hearing His stories, and getting to see Him face to face.  Well, in this study today, we read that one day we will see Him again.  Hallelujah!  Matthew 24:30 At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn.  They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory.  And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.  I also like when it says all the nations of the earth will see him, not just Christians, but everyone, will see him coming on the clouds with power. 

     Then Jesus tells them the parable about the fig tree.  He says in Matt. 24:32 As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near.  Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door.  Verse 34 says, I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.  Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away.  When I read this I can't help but think of the people that I have heard say that Christians have said the end is coming soon but doubt because generations before them have pasted away.  I guess the question is do you believe what The Bible says "this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened".  I don't know about you, but I choose to believe what the Bible says.

    The day and the hour unknown- It says in verse 36 No one knows about the day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.  Verse 38 talks about the flood that came when Noah was alive.  After reading this I realized that we all need to be our own Noahs, preparing ourselves and our love ones for the second coming.  God spoke to Noah and told him to prepare and that is the same way God speaks to us through His Word and tells us to prepare. 

     Verse 42 says Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.  He then tells a story of a man, who if he would have known what time the thief was coming to his home, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into.  Verse 44  So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.  Here is another instruction from The Lord to be ready. 

     The last paragraph in chapter 24 talks about the faithful and unfaithful servant.  The faithful servant took care of the other servants when his master was away.  When he came back unannounced and saw that he was taking care of the other servants, he put the faithful servant in charge of all his possessions.  But the unfaithful servant said to himself, 'My master is staying away a long time,' and he then begins to beat his fellow servants and to eat and drink with the drunkards.  When the master came on a day when he did not expect him and an hour he was not aware of, here is what it says he'll do.  verse 51 He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 

     Lets all get ourselves prepared for Christ.  Settle your Salvation today because our Lord is coming soon.  If you already have Jesus in your heart, it is our responsibility to share the gospel of Christ with others. 
Extra Study time:
While I was studying for this lesson, I wrote down how each verse of Matthew 24:29-51 made me feel. 
For example: Matt. 24:30  They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory.  *This part of the verse made me feel excited and expectant.* 
Feel free to put some of yours down in the comments on this blog or share the page on Facebook, and put your scripture along with the way it made you feel when you read it.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR:  MELISSA POWELL is the wife of 7 years to James, and step mother to two children.  She works full-time and still serves as Co-Director of Children's Church at Freedom Fellowship in Silsbee, Texas.

If you are enjoying Matthew: The King and The Kingdom, please take a moment to share by email, Blogger, Twitter, Facebook, or Pintrest! 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Matthew 24:1-28

It is a beautiful day!  The passage we will be reading is Matthew 24:1-28.  Please read through that now in your Bible or online HERE!!! 

We read, yesterday, that Jesus spoke his last words in the temple.  In the beginning of Matthew 24, when leaving the temple, the disciples, draw Jesus' attention to the beautiful buildings that the temple consisted of.  He really astonished the disciples', who grew up Jewish, by saying that these splendid buildings would be destroyed. I have to say before we go further, that these verses that we are covering today are very deep and cover prophesies of which I am no scholar.  Because I think this is a hard passage to discuss, my thoughts might be a little jumbled.  I will do the best I can!

Study these for yourself!  Study the Greek words that were in the original text.  Ask the Holy Spirit for understanding!  James 1:5 says, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him."

This whole passage covers three things: the destruction of Jerusalem, the return of Jesus Christ, and the end times.  Verse 4 says, “Take heed that no one deceives you."  Satan knows the value of spoken prophecy and prophecies fulfilled.  He tries hard to bring confusion on these matters by raising up false teachers and prophets.  We should be ever on our guard!  Also, remember that as we have read through Matthew we have seen countless prophesies fulfilled through Jesus.  If you ever battle doubt, GET IN THE WORD!  If He says it, it will come to pass!  Jesus came in person to die on the cross for our sin and He will come back in person to reign!

In the end times, we need not look for peace and prosperity because we will be disappointed.   "And there will be famines, pestilences,and earthquakes in various places."  (vs.7)  Peace will come when Jesus is present!  

From the time these words of Jerusalem being destroyed until the Romans fulfilled this prophecy were only 40 years.  The amazing thing to me is that Jesus' prophecies are so accurate.  This time for the Jews was absolutely horrific.  I believe that God gives wisdom to those who ask, and  therefore he can show us how to act in times of persecution. 

The other thing I want to point out from this passage is that when Jesus comes back, it is going to be sudden!  "For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be." (vs.27)  We must always be ready for His return!

A few questions to get your wheels turning!

-Why was the destruction of Jerusalem such a dreadful time in the history of the Kingdom of God?

-What will Jesus' return look like?

-Should we be concerned with a period of tribulation?  Was the tribulation at the fall of Jerusalem harder on the Jews or the Christians?  If we do face tribulation, will it be harder for believers or unbelievers?



Monday, February 16, 2015

Matthew 23

Good morning!  It is the beginning of another week and it is going to be glorious.  There is just something exciting about Monday.  Expectation and anticipation of how the week will unfold.  I am looking forward to what we are going to learn together in God's Word.  I am sorry that I did not have time to do a VLOG.  I had 4 girls at my house yesterday who wanted heart-shaped sandwiches, heart-shaped cookies, and a tea party.  How could I resist catering to these 4 cute little darlings?!  Please read through Matthew 23 in your Bible or online HERE!!!! 

As I was reading through Matthew 23, I came across a couple of words that I thought it might be useful to have good definitions for.  I am going to share with you my "vocabulary list" for the chapter. ☺(Yes, I realize I am a very simple person! lol!)

scribe - a person who writes books or documents by hand as a profession and helps keep track of records.   

Pharisee- a member of an ancient Jewish sect, distinguished by strict observance of the traditional and written law, and commonly held to have pretensions to superior sanctity; a hypocrite.

synagogue- the building where a Jewish assembly or congregation meets for religious worship and instruction.

Phylactery- a small leather box containing Hebrew texts on vellum, worn by Jewish men at morning prayer as a reminder to keep the law.

proselyte- a person who has converted from one opinion, religion, or party to another, especially recently.

It might seem crazy to give adults definitions, but in order for us to grasp the full meaning of the passage, we can not skip over words because we "think" we know what they mean.  We need to fully understand the scripture.  Are you ready dive in?  Let's go!

This chapter is especially remarkable because it contains the last words that Jesus spoke within the walls of the temple.  Those last words expose the Pharisees for what they were and offer a sharp rebuke of their teachings and practices.  I believe that because Jesus knew His time of ministry on the earth was soon drawing to an end that He simply had to warn the people against these wolves.

You will find that Jesus unsparingly used the term "WOE TO YOU!"  In verses 13-33, He uses it eight times to be exact.  7 times Jesus calls the Scribes and Pharisees "hypocrites".  Two times He refers to them as "blind guides" and "fools and blind".  Probably one of the scariest terms Jesus uses to label the Pharisees and Scribes is only used once and is "Serpents and brood of vipers".  Can we gather from this wording that Jesus thought their teachings were absolutely abominable?!

What were the "woes" that were addressed?
-They didn't believe the Gospel and did everything within their power to prevent others from believing.
-They were covetous and used their position for material gain.
-They worked hard to make men join their party and adopt their beliefs and teachings.  They not only wanted to grow their group of followers, but wanted positions of importance.
-They created teachings that said some oaths (or vows) were not as binding.  If you vowed by Gold it was binding, but by the temple (God's House) it was not.  (We see what was truly important to them here!) 
-They exalted certain religious things above justice, love, and honesty.
-(The next 2 can really be combined into one category.)  They worried more about outward appearance than the heart.
-They built the "tombs of the prophets" and garnished "the sepulchers of the righteous" , and yet lived a life that proved they were more like those who murdered these great men than the prophets themselves. 

If we learn anything from this text, let it be this.  Never, do you read in the Bible where murders or thieves are addressed by Jesus in such a manner.  God hates hypocrisy!  We must be real and honest before our God and all men.  We should be concerned with the matters in our heart more than the works we do.

These are just a few questions to think about.  If you have the time, write them down, along with your answers in your journal.  I would love to hear some of your answers!  You can share in the comments or on the Facebook page.

*Why are teachers and ministers more accountable for hypocrisy and false beliefs than anyone else?

*What were the Jewish leaders about to do that would turn God's wrath towards them?  Why were they similar to their forefathers who had killed the prophets?

*Are there ways in your home that you might over-emphasize minor issues and under-emphasize major issues?

*What do verses 37-38 say about Jesus' character in relation to those who are on the path to destruction?

*Are there periods of time in history where well-intentioned religious men have persecuted true men and women of faith?  Give some examples.  Were they really "well-intentioned"?

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Friday, February 13, 2015

Matthew 22:23-46

I know you have everything ready to begin our Bible study, so we will just jump right in!  Read through Matthew 22:23-46 in your Bible or online HERE!

I believe that all things happen for a purpose.  We may not understand it at the time, but it does!  It is no accident that at the time of year people are celebrating "LOVE", we are studying the Greatest Commandment in the Bible....Love God and Love others!  True love only comes through God to us and through us!  But wait!  I am getting ahead of myself aren't I.  We need to cover the first part of the passage first.☺

(Verses 22-33)
Do you believe you can learn more if you listen and not talk?  I do.  Although, I generally have a hard time not joining in.  In this case, here we are yet again, able to observe Jesus talking.  This time He is speaking to the Sadducees.  They use the age old trick of trying to trip Jesus up by asking hard questions.  What I can't figure out is this: did these people not get that this trick has not worked yet.  NOT ONCE!  Jesus did not get confused or waver.  In verse 29, Jesus answered and said to them, “You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God."  

Some things, like resurrection, are hard to understand, and even harder to explain.  When it comes to topics such as this, I choose to not burden myself down with trying to fully understand it.  I think sometimes when we try to over think miracles of God, our human nature creates doubt by trying to use reason.  I believe it by faith. (Heb.11:1)  IT IS A MIRACLE!  A miracle is an event that can't be explained by nature or scientific law.  I don't expect to fully grasp it until I am with Jesus....I just choose to believe!

(Verses 34-40)
Oh brother!  Yet again, we have the same trick except the Pharisees present the question this time.  “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?” (vs.36)  If you have studied the Ten Commandments you know that the first 4 commandments teach us our duty to God.  The last 6 teach us our duty to others.  I love how Jesus simplified this for the Pharisees.  In my paraphrased version of Jesus' response in verses 37-40, He says we are to LOVE GOD AND LOVE OTHERS.

The Greek word used here for love is agape.  It comes from the root word agapao.  Agape love means a deep commitment and devotion that comes from our willingness and our realization that it is a duty.  We need to understand this is a commandment, not a suggestion!  That is humbling and condemning all at the same time, isn't it?!  It is a good reminder to us daily that we need God's mercy and that LOVE is the true key to obedience to God.

(Verses 41-46)
Now Jesus gets His turn to ask the question.  All I can say is that He shut them up with truth!  Wow!  I bet they felt pretty defeated!

Here are a few questions to think about and write in your journal.

-What kind of absurd, skeptical questions do people bring up concerning the Christian faith in our day?

-Did you notice that Jesus hinged an important argument on the present tense "I AM", instead of the past tense, "I WAS"?  Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Heb. 13:8)  Find a few scriptures that says "I AM" and record what Jesus was, is, and will be forever!  

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Matthew 22:15-22 & Food With Friends!

Good morning...or afternoon!  Which ever it may be when you read this!  Would you open your Bible and read through today's passage, Matthew 22:15-22, or read it online HERE!!!  Now you are ready to follow along through the study, Matthew: The King and The Kingdom.  Today, my sister-in-law, Tiffany Kilpatrick, is sharing with us.  Have a great day, friends!

Today I was thinking about my boys (for those of you who don’t know me, I have 5 of them!) and 1Timothy 4:12 came to mind; “Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” I wanted to encourage them with this verse. To exhort them to be the ones that people look to when they are looking for a compass; when they need to see how they ought to behave and conduct themselves.

Jesus is encouraging us in the same way, by allowing us to have access to the account of his conversation with these guys in Matthew. Albeit, He’s putting the Pharisee’s and their minions in their places, and He’s doing a big ol’ spiritual “juke”, side-stepping the political and religious snares they are trying to set for him. (They should have known better than to try to out-wit the creator of all wisdom!) But also, He is sending the church, His body, a message. Be an example. Don’t just strive to do right in things you view as spiritual matters, strive to do right in ALL matters. Romans 13:7 says, “Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor.” God expects us, His children, to be models that the world can look to for direction about how to live, love, and carry on. We are to respect our leaders and the established government. We should pray for them and do our best to follow the laws of our state and nation as long as they do not interfere with the commands of God.
People are watching us, just like people of that day watched Jesus and His disciples. They are waiting for a slip up. They would love nothing more than for us to fall out of the boundaries we have chosen to walk in and operate in. 
Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9) Let Jesus be your strength, He will give you courage and you will be the example that people need to see.
Buttermilk Poundcake

1 cup oil or shortening       1 teaspoon vanilla

3 cups sugar                      1 teaspoon butter flavoring

5 eggs                               ¼ teaspoon soda

3 cups flour                      1 cup buttermilk

Mix together first 6 ingredients. Add flour and buttermilk (alternating) and blend well.

Pour in a Bundt pan that has been greased and floured (I use Baker’s Joy oil and flour spray instead). Bake at 300 degrees for 1 hour then turn the oven temp to 325 degrees until done (about 15-20 more minutes in my oven).

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: TIFFANY KILPATRICK is the wife of 11 years to Shannon Keith, and Mother to 5 boys ranging from 16 to 23 years old.  She is a Middle School Reading Teacher, and was the school Librarian before that.  Tiffany and her family attend Freedom Fellowship in Silsbee, Texas, where she sings on the Praise Team. 

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