Friday, January 9, 2015

Matthew 13:53-58

We are at the end of Matthew 13 already.  The time just flew by!  I am trying to shorten my posts back to a better length.  We have a few more verses left to cover today.  Next week, we have a couple of guest writers which I am really excited about.  Monday, I will be posting our next VLOG!  ☺
Have you ever heard the saying, "Familiarity breeds contempt"?  The people Jesus had grown up with, the people who were familiar with him, were unwilling to embrace his wisdom.  They expected the Messiah to come in a much grander way and were so close to Him they could've touched him.  These people were right in front  of the King of the Kingdom, but yet THEY COULDN'T SEE!   They rejected him. 
Two things really stand out to me about our text today.  First, this passage should be a strong warning that our unbelief can hinder or limit what the Holy Spirit will do around and through us.  Another example in the scripture showing this is Mark 6:5-6.  "Now He could do no mighty work there, except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them.  And He marveled because of their unbelief. Then He went about the villages in a circuit, teaching."  Jesus could have done so much more but their unbelief prevented him.  What a shame!
The other thing is found in verse 57. "So they were offended at Him."  I learned something about offense that will never leave me for as long as I live.  I was taught that OFFENSE is a snare (a trap) of the devil!  You better believe he likes to trip us up!  The enemy trapped these questioning people by doubt, anger, and a bit of pride.  (Can't you hear them saying, "How did Jesus get all that wisdom or ability to perform that miracle?  He's just a carpenter's son the same as me. Psh!  Who does he think he is anyway?") 
Monday will be the beginning of Matthew 14.  We are going to find John the Baptist in an unpleasant situation.  All I can say is that he might lose his head.  I'll see you then, friends!
 Don't forget to share this! 

1 comment:

  1. Our unbelief limits the power of the Holy Spirit in our midst; not because He is not able to do all things, but because Jesus' power in our lives is based on our acceptance of Him. HE created us in HIS own image. HE gave us a free will and everything HE did and does and will do is perfect. He will not change and He will not force us to change.
