Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Matthew 13:23-43

We are going to cover 3 parables today so grab some coffee and get comfortable!
First, we're going to study The Parable of the Wheat and Tares in verses 24-30.  Let's cover some important details.  According to verse 37-38, the field is the world and belongs to Jesus.  Another thing we need to understand is that tares were very common in Palestine and closely resembled wheat.  The catch is that you can't distinguish between wheat and tares until the grain appears at harvest time.  This parable was not just talking about the Jews.  It is referring to the Church.  Now that we have a foundation, let's break it down!
There are two sowers (one who scatters seed for the purpose of growth)...Jesus and Satan.  Jesus sows good seed-grace, mercy, forgiveness, life and deliverance.  This seed results in redeemed, saved people-The Children of the Kingdom. (vs.38)  Satan sows the tares-sin, evil, selfishness, darkness.  We can say that the tares represent the unsaved, unredeemed. 
Satan sows the tare which is identical to wheat.  He put them right in the middle of wheat.  If the field in this parable is the whole world, that tells me tares are also in the church.
The servants asked if they should go and gather the tares up, and the owner said no because it would destroy the wheat.  Many battles have been fought in religious zeal to take Jerusalem. and gather or clean out the tares (anyone not a Christian).  The Crusades are an example.  They were started so Christians could take Palestine from the Muslims.  This was a bloody and barbaric attack by supposed Christians who slaughtered men, women, and children for the "cause of Christ."  
If the tares are among the wheat ,there is always a chance they might become wheat.  Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost! 
A Mustard Seed!
In verse 31-32 we find The Parable of the Mustard Seed.  When teaching about this parable, my Pastor said this, "Small beginnings make for mighty endings!"  He used a few examples.  Jesus started out with 12 disciples, grew to 70, then 500.  Peter began as a lowly fisherman and ended up preaching and 3,000 were added to the kingdom.  The mustard seed is tiny as you can see above.  When compared to the Kingdom of Heaven it has a HUGE meaning!
The Kingdom of God is destined for greatness!  Right now, it has not fully been manifested yet, but make no mistakes, just like the small mustard seed that grows into a large tree, God's kingdom will be known to all!
Last one-The Parable of the Leaven in verse 33.  According to the dictionary, leaven is a substance, typically yeast, that is added to dough to make it ferment and rise.  The leaven is the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ,  This parable represents the growth of the slowly but steadily the Gospel message will grow!  The fact that the parable says "it all becomes leavened" is a symbol of complete victory and influence of Christ in this wicked world!
Recap of all the parables we've covered......The Sower (vs. 1-9) discusses the rejection of the Word.  The Wheat and the Tares (vs.23-30) and shows the opposition in the world against the Gospel. The Mustard Seed (vs.31-32) teaches us that the church will grow into a great tree where many things would be taught-some good and some bad.  The Parable of the Leaven (vs.33) shows the effect  and influence of the Gospel on the world. 
Time of Reflection
In verse 32, the birds of the air come to lodge in the branches of the tree.  Using your Bible concordance, cross reference, online tools, or whatever you can get your hands on, and answer this question.  WHAT DO THE BIRDS IN THIS VERSE REPRESENT?  Be ready to share these on the Facebook page!!!!!

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