Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Matthew 8:1-17

Week 4 Memory Verse
Enter by the narrow gate;
for wide is the gate and broad is the way
that leads to destruction,
and there are many who go in by it. 
Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way
which leads to life,
and there are few who find it.
Matthew 7:13-14
The things Jesus did while He was on the earth was the will of God in action.  Jesus said, “If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father.”  Jesus only did the will of God.  Remember, the Lord Jesus Christ came on the scene to unveil the Father to us.  Everything Jesus did was the will of
God.  What did He do?  Among other things, He went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil.  (Acts 10:38).
Not one single time did someone come to Jesus for healing and Jesus say to them, “It is not your Father’s will to heal you”.  Jesus did not once say to any of the ones who were in need of healing and restoration of their health, “Well, I will heal you someday” or “I would heal you, but you still need to learn a lesson and until you do,  the healing will have to wait.”  NO!  He healed them immediately!

He was fulfilling the prophecy spoken by Isaiah, and showing the people it is God’s will to restore life to those who have need of it whether that be physically, mentally, emotionally,  or spiritually!

One of the things I have noticed throughout my time in being a Christian author and speaker is people are not always sure it is God’s will to heal them.  The Bible clearly tells us what God’s will is concerning healing.  As you will notice in the above passages, Jesus did not turn one person away, but He healed ALL that came to Him.  You can search the New Testament, and  there is not one instance that Jesus denied healing and the restoration of the body to anyone.  From this can we can surmise, it is God’s will to heal ALL!
Each instance of healing we see in Matthew 8 carries a common factor;  each person had faith to be healed.  The centurion in particular had such incredible faith, he knew when Jesus spoke the word the power of God to heal his servant would  go forth and he would be made whole.   The word tells us Jesus actually ‘marveled’ at the faith of the centurion!  What impressed Jesus?  The centurion’s faith!  It never tells us Jesus considered a person’s past, their present, or if they were ‘deserving’ of a miracle.  He looked at their faith and acted accordingly!
Today, if you need healing from anything  physically, mentally, or emotionally know God’s will is to heal you and it is not His will for you to be sick in any way.  Remember Jesus is the same today, yesterday, and forever.  If it was His will to heal ALL while He was on the earth, that has not changed.  Don’t let the devil condemn you and tell you, you don’t deserve to be well.  Because of the love of God and His grace you can walk healed, whole, and your body and mind functioning to perfection.
Confess this  with me:  Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  Jesus is the Healer today.  I believe that in my heart.  Because I believe that in my heart, I accept Him as my Healer.   I acknowledge Him as my Healer.
Reference:  ‘Health Food’  Kenneth Hagin, Sr.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: JULIANNA WORSHAM is the wife of 31 years to Daryl. She is the author of "A Joyful Life Made Simple" on,,  as well as bookstores across the United States and in Europe and Australia.  They go to Oak Grove Harvest Assembly of God in Fred, Texas where Juliana serves as greeter, mentor, hospital chaplain, and intercessor.  Daryl serves as the co-leader of the men's ministries organization, substitute sunday school teacher, and greeter. Julianna taught school for 20 years and was 2001-2002 National Teacher of the Year.  She is an inspirational speaker and a contributing writer to online Christian magazines and blogs.  She have been blogging at for over 3 years.  Julianna's blog is in the top 50 in the nation for The Fellowship of Christian Bloggers.

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