Monday, November 17, 2014

Matthew 11:20-30

Good morning!  It is another late posting and I am sorry about that.  Apparently, Blogger is having some glitches.  I have had this saved for some time now, but when I got up to post it, it was just gone...vanished into thin air! LOL!  So, I had to layout the whole post again.  Which was good for me because I needed to read this again!  I hope y'all have a great week and enjoy week 6 of Matthew: The King and The Kingdom!  LOVE, Tera ☺

Week 6 Memory Verse
"A good man out of the good treasure of his heart
brings forth good things,
and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings
forth evil things. 
But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak,
they will give account of it in the day of judgment. 
For by your words you will be justified,
and by your words you will be condemned.”
Matthew 12:35-37


Today's selection of scripture covers a few areas. I am focusing on the ending verses, but quickly want to touch on the beginning verses.

Verses 20-24
Can we just say, "Wow!"  I would Not want to be on the receiving end of Jesus comments in these verses. There is harsh judgment for these cities refusing to repent, even though they had seen and experienced the miracles of Jesus themselves.

Pray earnestly for our cities/NATION that we not fall deeper into such a place. After all, this is what our Savior did. . . HE prayed. Verses 25-27

Here are my focus verses today.

Verses 28-30
Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

How stubborn we can be sometimes!  Just like those rebellious cities, we can try to hold on to things that we don't need in our lives or to circumstances which we have absolutely No control over.

Jesus message here is simple and straightforward. It is simply,

"Come to me!"

He is gently coaxing us to let go of all the things in our daily lives that are weighing us down and are burdensome to our hearts. He will, in turn, make our burden light. And in Him,  we will find REST for our weariness.

Not only do we lay these things down, but if you'll look closely,  after we are to take up His yoke,

He tells us, "Let me teach you."

He will teach us to not let these burdens and heartache overwhelm us, if we are willing to listen to guidance and Wisdom.
He wants us to be childlike. With a burning desire to be taught, always wanting to know more from the One who has brought us life. And not just life, but the strength and wisdom and His love to make it through even the toughest storm we may face.

Come to Jesus today. Lay your burdens at His feet. Allow Him to teach you to Trust Him to give you a lighter burden. And there in His presence you Will find...



ABOUT THE AUTHOR: JOSIE MATHIS is wife of 11 years to Bro. Michael.  She is the homeschooling aunt to two of her nieces and has been faithfully working in Children and Youth ministries for over 15 years.  Together, Bro. Michael and Josie serve as Jr. High Youth Pastors at Freedom Fellowship in Silsbee, Texas.  Josie also sings on the Praise Team and is an active member of F.F.H.S.C. 

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