Week 6 Memory Verse
"A good man out of the good treasure of his heart
brings forth good things,
and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings
forth evil things.
But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak,
they will give account of it in the day of judgment.
For by your words you will be justified,
and by your words you will be condemned.”
Matthew 12:35-37
READ MATTHEW 12:33-42!
In these scriptures there are 3 main points that stand out to me.
#1. In the state of Washington, you can drive by a group of trees and take a look at them.
They will be covered with beautiful apples.
Hmmm…. That must be an apple tree.
In the state of Florida, you can drive by trees and they are covered with oranges.
Must be an orange tree.
I think you get the point. “A tree is known by its fruit”.
So are we.
The Lord brings this point home as He tells us that your fruit is either good, or bad. (Notice it is one or the other. No middle ground here.)
I like to refer to it as either good, or “Stinky fruit”.
There are times my fruit stinks.
And just about every time, it is when the second point comes about.
#2. One thing you will find about everyone is this.
What is “Really in their heart…… comes out of their mouth”.
“Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh”.
It’s really quite simple, what’s inside…. Comes outside.
Want to know what’s in my heart, listen to my big mouth. Hmmm…. Sometimes that fruit doesn’t smell so good. But at this point, I am thankful for the Holy Spirit which pokes me in the ribs and tells me, “that fruit is a little smelly there bub!”
Which bring us to the 3rd point.
#3. “Every idle word”.
We are accountable for every word. Oh my gosh… am I in trouble!
I am just so thankful that when I stand before God, that when He looks at me, He is going to see the cleansing blood of His Son Jesus! The blood that washes away all my sins.
This does not give me a right to sin, and I believe we will have to be accountable.
I just want the Lord to be proud of me.
He gave it all for me.
What have I given to Him?
There was a flight attendant on an airplane that had been scolded by her captain. The gate agent had said that a passenger had complained about her treatment of him. When the captain told the story, it was “Lots of people have complained”. This made her very upset, and as she was trying to make her announcements, she began to cry. She hid her face for a while, but managed to get through what she needed to do. After the plane was in flight and the seatbelt sign was turned off, a man approached her and said, “Lady, are you ok?” She began to tell her story and she was very upset that she was lied about. And lied too. The man said to her, “Lady, Jesus loves you, and He cares about all the things in your life. He will take care of all things if you let Him.” She looked up and said that she was a Christian and thanked the man for reminding her of that. Her sadness was now turning more toward joy. The man told her that he knew that God was watching over her and said, “I know this for sure, after all, He had me change my flight so I could be here to tell you so”.
In this true example, we can see the three points of our scripture’s.
Good fruit…. And Stinky.
The abundance of the heart, good and bad.
Every idle word.
And every good one.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: BRO.KEN ROSE is the husband to Mrs. Etta, father to 2 sons, and grandfather to 6. They attend Freedom Fellowship in Silsbee, Texas where Bro. Ken serves as Executive Pastor, and Mrs. Etta assists him in that task and is Director of Intercessors. Bro. Ken travels frequently and uses every opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.