It is my honor to have Sister Etta Rose as a guest writer today. There are not enough words to tell you how much love and respect I have for her and her husband, Bro. Ken. Bro. Ken serves as Executive Pastor at our church and together, Ken and Etta handle all the finances. Mrs. Etta is also over our Ladies Intercessors Group that meets weekly to pray. I have been to some of these meetings and I am telling you, the Presence of God is so strong! There is something absolutely beautiful about the faith Mrs. Etta has that through prayer, God can and will do anything!
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Bro. Ken and Sis. Etta Rose |
Tera asked me to write something about Prayer....RADICAL PRAYER! My first thoughts were no way not me.....however....
I looked up the word radical & it means ...thorough; extreme. Hmmm....thorough or extreme prayer! That sounds exciting and it stirs my soul. So here I am doing what I thought I couldn't do....
A love for prayer and intercession is something that the Holy Spirit has placed in my spirit.
It was important to Jesus so it should be important to us! I love to praise & I love to pray! The two go hand in hand.
The Holy Spirit is our teacher. We are to allow him complete & total access to all that we are & all that we do. When we are saved, we are not our own anymore. We belong to The Lord!
"Ye are bought with a price; be not ye
the servants of men."
1 Corinthians 7:23
So that means, our prayers are not our own either!Ask The Lord to teach you to pray for the needs that touch His heart and to expand our prayer borders! There are so many needs that it can seem a bit overwhelming for us, but the word says "He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we could think or ask." Ephesians 3:20
I have had to learn to get beyond praying just for me & mine. They are important to me & they are important to the Lord, but He wants us to pray for so much more! Our families, our communities, our nation need Jesus! We need revival in our land....
Jesus died on the cross for our sins, so that we could have the gift of salvation. It is because of Him, and Him alone, there is hope for all of us! He has given us the Power & the authority to go boldly before the throne of grace & lay our petitions before him. These petitions are our prayers.
As the bride of Christ we have a call to prayer. There is a big difference between a prayer life and a life of prayer.
What an honor & privilege it is to serve someone by praying for them. We go before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords on their awesome is that!!!
As we ask the Holy Spirit to pray through us & to show us how to pray, He does! Sometimes, it is a quiet prayer, sometimes, it is a prayer that has no words, just tears or it might even be loud. We have to trust The Lord with all of our prayers and remember that the results of these prayers are always up to The Lord!
"Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray,
and Cry aloud: and He shall hear my voice."
Psalm 55:17
There is power in prayer! EXTREME prayer, with EXTREME power! If we are crying out for a soul to be saved, shouldn't we be willing to go to the extreme? If there is a need, shouldn't we be THOROUGH when we pray? If we are crying out for one of our own family, there will be some sincere prayers lifted up, maybe even with tears. The prayers will be EXTREME. They will be THOROUGH as we cry out to our mighty God. That's how we are to pray for for others.
I am praying that the Holy Spirit will teach us all to pray prayers that touch the heart of Jesus on behalf of others. That our prayers will become RADICAL and that with our RADICAL prayers, there will be EXTREME power released bringing forth EXTREME, THOROUGH victories in our families, our communities and across our nation!
" Jesus said, "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth,
will draw all men unto me."
John 12:32
It says, He will draw ALL men if we will lift Him up. That means the lost, the sick, the broken hearted, the bound up.....all men means ALL men!
Lift Jesus up...then watch and see what a mighty God we serve!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Missy, WOW!