Friday, March 27, 2015

Fighting Temptation!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR:  JESSICA HONC  is the wife of 14 years to Will, and homeschooling mother of three children (and one on the way! YAY!).  She is the Director of Freedom Fellowship Home School Co-op.  Jessica has served in many different capacities at Freedom Fellowship in Silsbee, Texas, such as librarian and children's teacher.
Fighting Temptation
I was recently in battle.  That is, I was recently tempted in an area where the enemy knew it was difficult for me to withstand the urge to sin. 
We are all sinners and fall extremely short of the Glory of God.  Coming out of a sinful life and accepting Jesus as your Savior is only the beginning of your walk with God.  I have been saved for over 10 years now and still, I battle with the enemy.  I am certain there are others who may be reading this who have been saved much longer then myself who are still battling with the enemy on a daily basis.  He is the Thief of Hope, the King of Lies, the Great Deceiver, and the Dark Magician who enjoys either hitting you when you are down or puffing you up with pride.
I remember my husband once told my daughter, “Satan already knows he’s got a hold on the drunkard.  He will spend more of his efforts trying to cause the person going to church every day to sin then the person who walks daily into the bar.”
This is so true! Our enemy is a devious little pill.  If you are a recovering addict, he may wait until you are suffering heartache and BAM, you run into one of your old “friends”.  If you struggle with lust, he may try to fill your mind with all kinds of ideas after an argument with your spouse.  If you have a tendency to be prideful and your friend reveals to you they need help with their own battle, you may be tempted to think you are better than them.  The list of the devil’s sneaky ways can go on and on.
When you recognize you are a sinner, repent, accept Jesus as your Lord and begin your walk in the other direction, it is only the beginning.   Life on earth is difficult, Jesus told us it would be.  John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart! I have overcome the world!”
As Christians, we must have a battle plan, not just a good defense, but a GREAT defense. The battle strategy that works for me is to:
  1. KNOW my temptations and weaknesses
  2. PRAY daily for God’s guidance and strength
  3. When the enemy attacks, to know how to FIGHT BACK WITH SCRIPTURE OR SONG.
    (Yes, I said song.  Praising our Lord is a POWERFUL weapon.)
No matter how long you have been walking with our Lord Jesus, please know that you are not alone if you continue to struggle with temptation and more importantly, please know that you can WIN!  Have a battle plan.  Practice it.  Be prepared when the enemy thinks he’s going to strike you down and be ready to fight back!
Ephesians 6:12 “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”


  1. This is good, sound advice, Jessica. Thank you for sharing. We are all in the battle; Jesus said, "In this world you will have tribulation (battles with sin, pain, heartache), but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world". HE HAS OVERCOME THE WORLD! AMEN

  2. This is a true and needed word! Christians need to battle the enemy! Too many just succumb to his temptation. A good battle scripture to learn and claim is 1 Corinthians 10:13. I have used it on more than one occasion.


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